One Day More is easily the most well-known song of Les Mis. Its title is One Day More in the English version of the musical, but there are many, many other versions of the song in different languages.
It should be noted that the song was originally written in French and translated into English.
Other Lyrics[]
Le grand jour,
Une autre vie, une autre destinée,
Délivrés d'avoir à fuir à perpétuité.
Mais au jour du jugement ultime,
Chaque homme doit révéler ses crimes
Au grand jour.
Demain, je ne la verrai plus,
Mon sang se glace dans mes veines.
Le grand jour,
Demain je ne te verrai plus,
C'est comme la foudre que l'on m'assène.
Demain seule dans mon histoire,
Vais-je te perdre à tout jamais?
Un grand jour perdu sans le voir.
Quand ma vie commence à peine.
Un peu plus seule chaque soir,
Et je jure d'être fidèle.
Je l'évoque dans ma mémoire.
Le grand jour est pour demain,
Dois-je aller là où elle va?
Demain sur la barricade.
Ou suivre mes frères au combat?
Le grand jour se lève enfin
Comment faire? Ai-je bien le droit?
Et les droits de l'homme s'écrivent.
Amis, c'est l'heure, Demain arrive.
Le grand jour.
Leur émeute en culottes courtes,
Je la suivrai dans leurs rangs;
Je les pousserai sans qu'ils s'en doutent
À s'éclabousser de leur sang.
Le grand jour,
Y vont au casse-pipe, on attend que ça fume;
Quand y z'ont du plomb dans l'aile, nous on les plume:
Un bijou ici, un petit sou en face.
Y a plus qu'à attendre l'ouverture de la chasse.
Le grand jour patriotique,
Le progrès reprend sa marche;
Combattant de l'avenir,
Resurgi de son linceul
Par l'espérance magnifique
D'un nouveau monde à construire.
À la volonté du peuple.
Ma place est là, auprès de toi.
Le grand jour.
Demain je ne te verrai plus,
Demain seule dans mon histoire,
Mon sang se glace dans mes veines.
Avec les héros du peuple,
Avec ces nouveaux stratèges;
Instruit de leurs petits secrets,
Je refermerai le piège.
Y vont au casse-pipe, on attend que ça fume;
Après qu'y s'étripent on leur ôte les plumes.
Le grand jour
Demain je ne te verrai plus,
Demain tout seule dans le noir.
C'est comme la foudre que l'on m'assène.
Leur émeute en culottes courtes,
Je la suivrai dans leurs rangs;
Je les tousserai sans qu'ils s'en doutent...
Demain c'est le jugement dernier.
Y vont au casse-pipe, on attend que ça fume;
Quand y z'ont du plomb dans l'aile, nous on les plume.
Demain, nous partons sans regret;
Demain c'est le jugement dernier.
Demain, nous saurons si Dieu vient
Annoncer enfin son retour.
C'est enfin,
C'est demain le grand jour!
Spanish []
Valjean: ¡Sale el sol!
Hay un destino escrito para mí.
Es un Calvario que no tiene fin;
No puede haber peor prisión
Vas tras de mí, no habrá perdon.
¡Sale el sol!
Marius: Yo no vivía sin tu amor.
¿Será la muerte separarnos?
Valjean: Sale el sol.
Marius and Cosette: Hoy en inmenso mí dolor
Pasar la vida sin amarnos.
Éponine: Otro día que se va.
Marius and Cosette: ¿Nos veremos otra vez?
Éponine: Otro día sin su aliento.
Marius and Cosette: Lo eres todo para mí.
Éponine: Pero nunca lo sabrá.
Marius and Cosette: Desde el día que te vì.
Éponine: ¡Yo no existo para él!
Enjolras: ¡Otro vez un día mas!
Marius: ¿Debo irme con mí amor?
Enjolras: En las libres barricadas.
Marius: ¿Ò cumplir con mí deber?
Enjolras: Cada día somos mas.
Marius: Ya no sé que debo hacer.
Enjolras: ¡Ven y lucha junto a mí¡
All: ¡Mañana es hoy y empieza aquí!
Valjean: ¡Sale el sol!
Javert: Se prepara la revuelta,
Pero muerta nacerá.
Con la sangre de esos chicos
¡Regaremos la ciudad!
Valjean: ¡Sale el sol!
Monsieur y Madame Thénardier: ¿Quién se va mear
En su pantalón?
Hoy se va gastar muy poca munición.
Tire por aquí, dale por allá.
Huyen como ratas
¡Pero tanto da!
Students (Group 1): ¡Sal y muestra tu bandera!
Students (Group 2): ¡En señal de libertad!
Students (Group 1): Nunca mas la rendición.
Students (Group 2): Nunca mas la rendición.
Students (Group 1): Un futuro nos espera.
Students (Group 2): Un futoro por ganar.
Both Groups: ¡Canta el pueblo su canción!
Marius: [To Enjolras] Estoy aquí, sabre luchar.
Valjean: [Overlapping]
¡Sale el sol!
Marius and Cosette: [Overlapping]
Yo no vivía sin tu amor.
Éponine: [Overlapping]
Otro día que se va!
Marius and Cosette: [Overlapping]
¿Será la muerte separarnos?
Javert: [Overlapping]
Luchare con esos locos
Y sabre por donde van.
Que me quenten sus secretos,
¡Espirarles es mí plan!
Valjean: [Overlapping]
¡Sale el sol!
Marius and Cosette: Hoy en inmenso mí dolor.
Éponine: [Overlapping]
Pero nunca lo sabrá.
Marius and Cosette: [Overlapping]
Pasar la vida sin amarnos.
Javert: [Overlapping]
Se prepara la revuelta,
Pero muerte nacerá.
Con la sangre de esos chicos …
Monsieur and Madame Thénardier: [Overlapping]
¿Quién se va mear
En su pantalón?
Hoy se va gastar muy poca munición.
Valjean: [Overlapping]
No puede haber peor prisión.
Valjean and Javert: ¿Mañana quién va a ser el juez?
All: Mañana ya veremos
El destino que nos reserva Dios.
¡Otra vez!
¡Un día mas!
¡Sale el sol!
Polish - Jeszcze dzień[]
Valjean: Jeszcze dzień.
Jutrzejszy dzień przyniesie nowy los,
Golgoty mojej wiecznej nowy krok.
Bo ten co tajemnice zna,
Na pewno przyjdzie drugi raz,
Jeszcze dzień.
Marius: Dopiero dziś zacząłem żyć,
A los zamierza nas rozdzielić
Valjean: Jeszcze dzień.
Marius & Cosette: Daleko będziesz skoro świt,
A jednak świt to dar nadziei.
Éponine: Jeszcze jeden pusty dzień,
Marius & Cosette: Kiedy znów spotkamy się?
Éponine: Jeszcze jeden dzień bez niego.
Marius & Cosette: Ja bez Ciebie nie chcę żyć!
Éponine: Zawsze sama - sama wciąż.
Marius & Cosette: Tylko Ty i więcej nikt!
Éponine: Ale on nie widzi mnie...
Enjolras: Jeszcze dzień i będzie szturm!
Marius: Czy mam prawo za nią iść?
Enjolras: Wolność jest na barykadach!
Marius: Skoro bracia chcą się bić?
Enjolras: Kiedy oddział ruszy w bój,
Marius: Czemu waham się jak tchórz?!
Enjolras: Czy chcesz walczyć obok mnie?
All: To jest ten dzień,
To jest ten czas!
Valjean: Jeszcze dzień!
Javert: Jeszcze dzień do rewolucji,
Co nie potrwa i dwóch dni.
Sam się wkręce do sztubaków,
Niech we własnej tańczą krwi!
Thénardiers: Wszyscy wpadli w szał,
Ale nam w to graj!
Jeden chce do raju -
Drugi ma tu raj!
Sygnet albo ząb,
Dla nas czysty zysk:
Trup wydatków nie ma,
Więc nie traci nic!
Students: Jeszcz dzień do wielkiej zmiany,
Pod sztandarem naszym walcz.
Każdy królem może być,
Każdy własnym królem jest.
Świat od nowa zdobywamy,
Zbudujemy wolny świat!
Słuchaj kiedy śpiewa lud!
Marius: Ja walczyć chcę,
zostaję tu!
Valjean: Jeszcze dzień!
Javert: Wejdę między bohaterów,
Tam gdzie oni tam i ja!
Poznam wszystkie ich sekrety,
Rewolucja krótko trwa.
Jeszcze dzień do rewolucji,
Co nie potrwa i dwóch dni,
Pokażemy tym sztubakom!
Valjean: Już jutro być daleko stąd
Valjean & Enjolras: Już jutro się odprawi sąd!
All: Już jutro sie okaże,
Jaki Bóg nam zechce zesłać los!
Jeszcze dzień,
Jeszcze świt,
Jeszcze noc!
Valjean: 내일로
또 다른 날, 또 다른 운명이,
이 길은 끝이 없는 가시밭
날 잡으려는 추적자는
포기라곤 모른다
Marius: 너를 만나 바뀐 인생
너 없이 어찌 살아 갈까?
Valjean: 내일로.
Marius and Cosette: 내일 우린 다른 길로
우리 만남 시작 했는데
Éponine: 하루가도 나홀로
Marius and Cosette: 다시 못 봄 어쩌나
Éponine: 하루 가도 그는 멀리
Marius and Cosette: 우리 함께 할 운명!
Éponine: 나야 어찌 되어도
Marius and Cosette: 운명 함께 할 우리
Éponine: 그는 상관 없는 일
Enjolras: 폭풍와도 내일은!
Marius: 그녀 따라 떠날까?
Enjolras: 바리케이트에 자유 온다!
Marius: 동지들을 따를까?
Enjolras: 전열 갖춰 나갈 때
Marius: 가느냐? 머무느냐?
Enjolras: 나와 함께 싸우자
All: 때가 왔다 그날 왔다!
Valjean: 내일로!
Javert: 내일이면 반란의 날
싹을 미리 자르자
학생놈들 애송이들
피로 물들이리라
Valjean: 내일로
Monsieur and Madame Thénardier: 다들 맛 갔나
다들 죽을 판
몽땅 죽어 준다면 우린 좋지!
여기서 쓸쩍
저기서 왕창
기왕 죽을 목숨
크게 써보셔!
Students (Group 1): 내일이면 시작되리
Students (Group 2): 깃발 높이 올려라
Students (Group 1): 민중들이어 깨어나
Students (Group 2): 민중들이어 깨어나
Students (Group 1): 새로운 세상 열리는 날!
Students (Group 2): 새로운 세상 열린다!
Both Groups: 너는 듣고 있는가?
Marius: [앙졸라에게] 여기 남아, 함께 싸운다!
Valjean: [Overlapping]
Marius and Cosette: [Overlapping]
널 만나 바뀐 내 인생
Éponine: [Overlapping]
하루 가도 나홀로
Marius and Cosette: [Overlapping]
너 없이 어찌 살아 갈까?
Javert: [Overlapping]
저들 틈에 합류하여
저들 뒤를 따르며
저들 속셈 알아내어
저들 파악하겠다
Valjean: [Overlapping]
Marius and Cosette: 내일 우린 다른 길로
Éponine: [Overlapping]
나야 어찌 되어도
Marius and Cosette: [Overlapping]
우리 만남 시작 했는데
Javert: [Overlapping]
내일 되면 반란의 날
싹을 미리 자르자
각오해라 학생 놈들!
Monsieur and Madame Thénardier: [Overlapping]
다들 맛 갔나
다들 죽을판
몽땅 죽어준다면
우린 좋지!
Valjean: [Overlapping]
내일은 멀리 떠나리
Valjean and Javert: 내일은 정의 세울날
All: 내일이 오면 신의
뜻한 바를 알게 되리라
Valjean: The sun rises!
There is a destiny written for me
It is a Calvary without an end
There cannot be a worse crime
They're following me, they do not forgive
The sun rises!
Marius: I could not live without your love
Will it mean death to separate us?
Valjean: The sun rises.
Marius and Cosette: Today, my pain will be great
If we must live without each other.
Éponine: Another day goes by.
Marius and Cosette: Will we see each other again?
Éponine: Another day without his breath.
Marius and Cosette: You've meant everything to me.
Éponine: But he will never know.
Marius and Cosette: From the day that I saw you.
Éponine: I don't exist to him!
Enjolras: One more time, one more day!
Marius: Should I go with my love?
Enjolras: To the barricades of freedom!
Marius: Or go along with my duty?
Enjolras: Each day, our numbers are greater!
Marius: I don't know what to do.
Enjolras: Con and fight anlongside me!
All: Tomorrow is now and it begins here!
Valjean: The sun rises!
Javert: The revolution is preparing itself,
But it will be born dead
With the blood of those boys
We will spray the city!
Valjean: The sun rises!
Monsieur y Madame Thénardier: Who is going to wet their pants?
Today much ammunition will be wasted.
One over here, one over there
They run like rats
But what the hell!
Students (Group 1): Come out and show your flag!
Students (Group 2): In recognition of liberty!
Students (Group 1): No more oppression.
Students (Group 2): No more oppression.
Students (Group 1): The future awaits us.
Students (Group 2): A future to meet.
Both Groups: Sing the song of the people!
Marius: [To Enjolras] I am here, and I will fight.
Valjean: [Overlapping]
The sun rises!
Marius and Cosette: [Overlapping]
I cannot live without your love.
Éponine: [Overlapping]
Another day goes by!
Marius and Cosette: [Overlapping]
Will it mean death to separate us?
Javert: [Overlapping]
I will fight with those madmen
I will follow where they go.
They will tell me all their secrets
I plan to spy on them!
Valjean: [Overlapping]
The sun rises!
Marius and Cosette: Today, my pain will be great.
Éponine: [Overlapping]
But he will never know.
Marius and Cosette: [Overlapping]
If we must live without each other
Javert: [Overlapping]
The revolution is preparing itself,
But it will be born dead
With the blood of those boys ...
Monsieur and Madame Thénardier: [Overlapping]
Who is going to wet their pants?
Today much ammunition will be wasted.
Valjean: [Overlapping]
There cannot be a worse crime.
Valjean and Javert: Tomorrow who will be the judge?
All: Tomorrow we will meet
Whatever destiny God has prepared
One more time!
One more day!
The sun rises!
Valjean: Another day.
Tomorrow will bring a new fate,
To carve my eternal new step.
Because the one who knows the secrets.
Certainly comes a second time,
Another day.
Marius: Only today I began to live,
A lot is going to separate us
Valjean: Another day.
Marius & Cosette: Far will the dawn rise,
But dawn is the gift of hope.
Éponine: Another empty day,
Marius & Cosette: When will we meet again?
Éponine: Another day without it.
Marius & Cosette: I am without forgetting you a merchant who does not want to live!
Éponine: Always the same - she continues.
Marius & Cosette: Only you and nobody else!
Éponine: But he does not see me ...
Enjolras: Another day and I will assault!
Marius: Am I allowed her to go?
Enjolras: Freedom is on the barricades!
Marius: Since the brothers want to fight?
Enjolras:' When the branch moves in the battle,
Marius: Why hesitate like a coward ?!
Enjolras: Do you want to fight next to me?
All: This is the day,
This is the time!
Valjean: Another day!
Javert: Another day for the revolution,
What does not take in two days.
Itself screwed to school kids,
Let them dance in their own blood!
Thénardiers: Everyone fell into a frenzy,
But for us to play!
One wants to paradise -
The second is a paradise here!
The signet ring or tooth,
For us is a pure profit:
The corpse of expenditure does not exist,
So you do not lose anything!
Students: Another day for big change,
Under the banner of our fight.
Each king may be,
Each self is king.
Let the world anew gain.
We will build a new world!
Listen to the people when he sings!
Marius: I want to fight,
I staying here!
Valjean: Another day!
Javert: I'll go down between characters,
Where they are there and I!
You will learn all their secrets.
Revolution fleeting.
Another day for the revolution,
What will not last in two days
We will show the arts!
Valjean: Tomorrow be far away
Valjean & Enjolras: Tomorrow to celebrate the court!
All: Tomorrow will see,
What God wants to send us a fortune!
Another day,
Another sunrise,
Still night!